Iron Man Suit Costume: Do It Yourself Guide

Well, I know that your child or grandchild desires a Real Iron Man Suit as much as my son desired it once. Actually, I know exactly all the things passing through your mind every time you imagine them wearing this awesome super hero suit: Grabbing the attention of everyone in the streets or perhaps being the coolest guy in the next Halloween party or even better starting to make some money with it.

 Here’s what you’ll get as a member of the course

 Material List (all what you will need for your suit; you can get at Home Depot or similar)

You don’t have to worry about research or figure out what are the best tools or materials to make your suit. In the members area you will find  exactly what you need and will tell you where you can buy it.

 Step-by-Step Instructions Guide (follow this and you will be great)

They know you don’t have a master degree in fiber glassing. That’s why they made easy-to-follow instructions to make the whole process so  easy. Relax and let them guide you!

 3D Files (all the files of the suit designed in a 3D Software)

The most important part of the members area: the 3D files of the suit. Without them it would be impossible to make the costume. The best part  is that they hired the best 3D designer to create these files. The final result of your suit will be awesome thanks to this. Enjoy!

 Software Viewer (you will get the software necessary to view and print the files)

As they already told you, the 3D files are very well done and very professional. Because of that you need a special software to open the files,  visualize them and print them. The software belongs to a third party company, however, they include one version in the members area in order  for you to handle with this easily. Unfortunately the software is NOT AVAILABLE FOR MAC yet.

 Pictures (these will help you to know if you are in the correct path)

They know “the books without pictures are better” but this is not a book, it’s a guide to build something really cool. That means the pictures are  really important. That’s why they added enough of them to guide you and make the whole process easier to follow.

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